Monday, June 19, 2006

An oldie but a goodie...

Monday! The sacred day of rest and recovery for runners and (would be) cyclists. Besides, after waking at 2am to watch a World Cup Soccer match I wasn't quite capable of slipping out for a training run or ride - when it was just 3 degrees (37F) at 6am this morning it was not too difficult a decision to make!

With just 6 days work left at Wobbly's "salt mine" I need to ensure I have adequate energy reserves for the 6 lunch banquets to be enjoyed. Enjoy your week team!


At 7:56 AM, Blogger SRR said...

37 degrees! Oh wait...I was having a blonde moment. You are headed into winter, right? Duh! Good thing I don't teach geography!

At 8:42 AM, Blogger psbowe said...

I wouldn't go out if it's that cold either!

At 12:49 PM, Blogger miners said...

methinks you have been taking this cafe-stop-cycling-strategy a little too seriously lately D. Time to ease up on the custard fillings ;)

At 5:00 PM, Blogger Spark Driver said...

I rode my bike to the train station at 9am Monday morning and it was still freezing.

At 8:21 PM, Blogger Cirque said...

that is SO gross!

At 11:22 PM, Blogger TA and the Gnome said...

Sorry Wob. 6 banquets only allowed if you run 20k per banquet... :-)


At 1:48 AM, Blogger Quilt Granny said...

Hey, I found you via Robb Runner. I love your cartoon. I'll be back to visit you again soon. Keep on wobbling.

At 2:03 AM, Blogger Thomas said...

What's that nonsense about 3C/37F being too cold? Get some running pants, a long sleeved shirt and get going!

Don't overdo it on the lunch banquets though - you could get an overuse injury.

At 2:49 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Some people might think you're crazy for waking up at 2 a.m. to watch the World Cup, but I understand we all have our priorities.

At 2:03 AM, Blogger SRR said...

ALAS!!! What's this??? I am #3 link? What's a girl gotta do to be # 1?!?! Hmmmm.....

At 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it!
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