Thursday, September 21, 2006

So, its been a while...

...longer than a month in fact. Naughty Wobbly!! *slaps wrist*

Its my blog though and I have concluded I dont need to apologise for my absence except to those people who have e-mailed me wondering if I was okay.

Since posting last I have been doing such exciting things as riding my bike and painting the exterior of the house. Posting about painting a house I have concluded is about as interesting as watching the paint dry so enough of that!

Riding my bike while fun and providing some challenges (particularly for my rear end) on the long rides is well again just not that interesting. It's about 20 something days until I can run again. My legs and back feel great and my desire to run is stronger than ever. I will need to be patient while easing myself back into it. I have worked out I need to run 150 kms (92 miles) in December to be able to contemplate the Canberra Marathon again in April '07 then maybe (just maybe) an overseas marathon in Oct) Is that an unreasonable ask given my 4 month long lay-off? Holly (our ever happy lab) desperately needs to run again too. She actually was a very lean and muscle bound lab but now she is more the traditional shaped (barrel shaped) lab . She hates it when I go out on my bike and leave her at home. :(

Anyway, enough navel gazing for one day! At least I have posted something right? Oh, and thanks for stopping by my blog - it's great to see you!