Wednesday update
This morning was an early massage from the Myotherapist to get my glutes worked over. She also did some dry needling too.
Walked out feeling really well worked and went to work. Physio was at 3:30 and he worked my S1L1 joint which is causing the problems. Afterwards we could not reproduce the pain so he suggested a small (3k) run this evening to see how it felt. Not good is the report I'm afraid. I got to about 1.5kms and the pain was back so I tried the hip tilting exercises he showed me and it worked for a bit but was quickly back and wouldn't stay away. I ran slowly home with Holly thinking there is just no way I could do this for 42kms.
I'm sitting here contemplating my options at this point - my physio said to call him tomorrow if the pain returned so I will do that and see what he recommends.
I still have about 10 days to be right I guess....
Your smart to think this through thoroughly and then go w/the recommendations of the physio. I'm crossing my fingers for you!
Fingers crossed Duncan. Take it easy and keep up the treatment.
a lot can happen in ten days Wobbly!
Sometimes its just not bloody fair Wobbly. Really hope you get to the start mate.
Don't give up hope just yet WM - it would be different if you hadn't done the work - but you have - so still a chance ;-)
Whatever you do, don't take advice from the dog ;-)
Hang in there.
I am with 2P... you have done the work so all is ok. Just keep up the treatment and maby not run to allow it to settle and try a run next week on Wednesday. Sean was talking about a similar situation with someone I train with. He said she has done the work... let it settle, get a few runs in next week on Thursdau or Friday and then make the decision.
All the best and I am soooo hoping it rights itself for the day! Look afteryourself!
Remember our pact Wob, we are NOT giving up hope.
Pity we can't trade body parts and get at least one of us on the road :-)
Just keep moving you are still on the way, the hope is the last to die, ten days is more than enough to recover.
Sounds like a right bugger. Why do we hurt ourselves so close to a big event?
And many days to be wrong afterwards I guess...
Hope you make it.
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