Tuesday, March 14, 2006

In a moment of weakness..

Poor Mrs Wobbly is laid up with a nasty virus at the moment and as a consequence I volunteered on Monday to do the weekly shopping and in a moment of weakness she agreed. No "Biggie" I hear you say?

Well let it be known that I am not then right person to send to do the shopping. Perhaps this is why Mrs W happily does it and rejects any offers I make. She normally says "Its okay I'll do it, how about you just fix the ....and do the ....this weekend" (insert any household breakables and gardening chores) - even though I generally don't have a clue on how to fix/replace/prune/transplant most of them.

Once at the supermarket the kids got sent on timed "search and retrieve" missions for the items on "mum's list" with the not entirely unexpected consequence of nearly bowling over a few frail people. We supplemented the missions with a little education on the economies of buying bigger rather than smaller. Despite many explanations however, wobblette #2 (6yo) still doesn't quite understand why the round crumpets were better value than the square ones. (hmph, women!) We also now have about a 6 month supply of toilet paper filling up two cupboards. :)

Suffice to say we enjoyed our shopping trip and I am happily enjoying all sorts of snacking stuff I don't normally get. Eg Snakes, chocolate, smoked oysters, dips, dill pickles etc etc.

Oh yeah, I also ran an easy 6km recovery run on Monday and 9.6km this morning. This morning's run was at 5:25/km pace.


At 9:35 PM, Blogger 2P said...

Sounds great Wobbles - I like the sound of the smoked oysters.....

At 10:02 PM, Blogger TA and the Gnome said...

Snakes, Chocolate, ... You ain't ever going to be allowed to shop ever again :-)


At 11:15 PM, Blogger Tesso said...

Better too much toilet paper than not enough!!!!

At 5:55 AM, Blogger Hilda said...

Nice adventure with this chance of buying that nice stuff, did you get something of the original list?

At 8:12 AM, Blogger Clairie said...

In all my years of marraige my husband has done the shopping once.

I was delirious and bed ridden for four days otherwise I would not have permitted it.

He too comes home with all the snacks and no real food. Not that he is at fault - he just doesn't know what ingredients go into making a family meal. (my fault again he says - I won't let him cook).

He is very good at going to the bakery on weekends to get some fresh bread though.

Now how about sharing some of those snakes around Wobbly?

Glad to hear you got out for 6km so you could run off all those yummy snacks.

At 11:20 AM, Blogger Sekhmet said...

Mmmm, lollies! I hope you did come home with some more of the essentials than just toilet paper???

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Katie said...

Thats why I leave my hubbie at home :-)
Not long to go :-)

At 1:01 PM, Blogger Downhillnut said...

I do the shopping because I do the cooking. I do the cooking because the Hubby doesn't care to think about food. Every now and then I check to make sure I'm choosing enough of what he wants:
Me: Honey, I'm going shopping. Would you like me to get anything specific?
Him: Um, yeah. Lunch food.
Me: Anything SPECIFIC for your lunches?
Him: Um. (Pause) GOOD lunch food.
Hah, this is why he has no right to complain about the same old thing...

At 5:43 PM, Blogger Cirque said...

Did you get my gummi bears?

At 5:22 AM, Blogger D said...

I agree w/GoGirl...you can do my shopping any time. I despise food shopping.

How awesome that you get to spot Kangaroos and Wallabies on your runs - I can't even imagine that! I need to move to Australia!

What a pretty dog you have!

At 8:35 PM, Blogger CJ said...

Hope Mrs W is feeling much better very soon - though your shoppig trip has probably brought on a relapse. Chocolate is good - a necessary part of the diet and one of the 5 food groups! Not so sure about the smoked oysters!

Oh, and good to hear you managed a couple of runs too!

At 9:20 PM, Blogger Dave said...

Well I'm obviously in the minority, being that I rarely let my wife out to do the grocery shopping! For much the same reason as the results of your expedition.

Looking forward to catching up in a few weeks in the capital for some fun running over 42.2


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